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Uganda: Day 2

I am wanting to call my post today Fawlty Towers. The reason being the motel is making the news. This morning found the emersion heater had been turned off and when the temperature is creeping into the 28-30c cold water feels exceptionally cold. Breakfast was just an omelette no bread or fruit but with African tea! On leaving the hotel, expecting a wardrobe on return, returned to find the room stripped of everything plus fan and TV (not that I use TV). During the day the hotel receptionists made a point to find me in town, to tell me she was looking for a job before the bank came and foreclose. Yes the owners have been asset stripping. Oh the wardrobe, sorry to say NO, even had to supply my own toilet paper. Yes moving tomorrow. Canny thing is they are still taking guests. Incidentally I have stayed in this Motel for past 5 yrs no problem. Always good service.

Apart from the joy of Fawlty towers had another great day talking with ex Carmel Bible College students, re the opening of the Bible Training Centre, all coming together well, plus the office space we are taking inside a shop in a shopping market is planned to be open by end of next week.

The other Exciting news is, we have pastors traveling in from 300k away for our 3 day pastors seminar 6-8th March.

PS. More on Fawlty Towers as it progresses.

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